General Information

Getting to know yourself and your body better, that's exactly what the Hatha Yoga of Active Company Antwerp can do for you. Certain postures and breathing exercises make your body more flexible and bring inner peace. This way you are better able to withstand the stress of everyday life.
Yoga at Active Company Antwerp is guided by a professional and both beginners and more experienced yoga practitioners are more than welcome.
For a yoga session, it is best to wear loose, comfortable clothing. Make sure to bring a mat with you. Changing on site is possible.
Sessions start promptly at 8 pm. You can no longer join if you arrive later, so as to not interrupt the class for the other participants. It is recommended to arrive around 7.30 pm. This gives you ample time to change clothes and find a spot in the venue.
The yoga session takes place in the attic of Het Roze Huis, Draakplaats 1 in Zurenborg (entrance Grotehondstraat). We ask that after the activity, every participant helps to leave the room as we found it. During the summer, the yoga session often takes place in Te Boelaarpark. In this case, the change of location will be shared in the newsletter earlier that week.